Click on a question to see the answer. If you do not see the answer to your question here or on this page, you can post your question below, or contact Nechama our Program Coordinator at: nechama@geerz.org or 058-766-2212.

General Information

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1. What ages and genders is the Geerz program for?

Groups run from age 7 (2nd grade) to 16. (Older youth can contact us about being an assistant instructor.) There are groups for both boys and girls.

2. What cities is Geerz offered in?

This chart shows which cities have Geerz groups this season.

This past year, we had Geerz rides in the following cities: Beit Shemesh, Modiin, Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph, Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel and Sderot.

We also had rides in the following "Children's Villages": Even Shmuel (Neve Landy), Chadera (Talpiot Children's Village), Shomriya, Nes Harim and HaPardess.

In previous years, we had sessions in the following cities, and we may return in the future, depending on demand: Allon Shvut, Efrat, Gush Etzion, Raanana, Mevo Horon, Ramat Raziel and Tzur Hadassah.

3. What language are Geerz rides conducted in?

Most of our groups are run in English and Hebrew, based on the demand of the group's demographic. We have even worked with Ukrainian orphans and ran those groups in Russian.

4. How can I be sure my child will be placed in the group that is right for them?

The youth are all from a variety of schools. Great care and sensitivity are used in creating the riding groups, so that each rider is placed in the appropriate group. If you have a specific request, please make a note in the registration form, and we will do our best to accommodate.

5. During what months does the Geerz program run?

The Geerz Program runs from September through mid/late June, and follows the Ministry of Education calendar.

6. How long is each ride and what exactly happens during the ride?

The rides last 90 minutes. Halfway through, the riders stop to rest their bodies and activate their minds. During this time, the unique Geerz curriculum is taught.

Disclaimer: Geerz is an educational/therapeutic program. We are not training participants to be professional mountain bikers.

7. Are there Geerz rides every week of the season?

We try to have at least 30 rides each season. We email you a schedule of the weeks off at the beginning of the season. You can always check whether your child's group meets any given week at this link.

8. Will the rides conflict with my child's school schedule?

No. All rides are after school.

9. There are no Geerz rides in my area. What can I do?

For more information on how to bring Geerz to your community, please contact admin@geerz.org

Registration and Payment

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1. What is the cost of the program?

The cost varies from city to city, and depends on the number of children you are signing up. Click here to learn more.

2. Do I need to pay the entire amount up front?

No. You can sign up and pay a deposit and pay the balance later. Click here for more details.

3. Are there any discounts available?

Yes! There are the following discounts:

  1. An early bird discount for signing up early.
  2. A discount if you sign up more than one child.
  3. A scholarship discount based on financial need.

For more information, please click here.

4. What is the cost if my child joins or leaves in mid-season?

Both of these situations are discussed here.

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